PS4 Exclusive 'Deep Down' Has Amazing Looking Magic, Dragon Flame
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Capcom’s online RPG has some surprises up its sleeve.
Deep Down is a free-to-play dungeon crawler coming to the PS4 next year.
I’m still not entirely sure how to feel about the game.
Its first announcement made me think we were in for a more story-driven, single-player experience, but it turned out the focus was on multiplayer and randomly generated dungeons and monsters. That it was also an online-only, free-to-play title only made matters worse.
That being said, a dungeon crawl can be a lot of fun, and if the F2P features are handled wisely the game might be pretty neat.
I say this also because of two new gameplay demos that have just come out forDeep Down.
In the multiplayer demo you get to see four people battle a truly massive dragon. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a steady stream of flame; it’s quite the inferno, racing out of the cavern and down the corridors beyond.
But the neatest thing in this demo is the magic. At one point, one of the players uses a spell that freezes time. All the other players and the dragon and even the fire itself are frozen in place. The player then uses two fireball type spells which are themselves frozen, aimed at the beast. When time restores itself, the fireballs fly into the dragon’s side. It’s quite a spectacle.
In the single-player demo you notice some interesting things as well, including one or two pretty awesome spells. But what really stands out to me is hit locations. Hitting a troll (or whatever the things are) in the leg can send it to its knees for a moment. Hitting in the head does more damage, and so forth.
I also noticed the map overlay is 3D, showing each level of the dungeon you’ve explored. It looks pretty handy, especially since it looks like you’ll be doing a lot of falling-through-floors in this game.
Oh, and the music sounds excellent so far. Very reminiscent of other Japanese RPGs, very moody. (Though the announcers speak over the entirety of both videos which makes it a bit distracting, especially if you—like me—don’t speak Japanese.)
The controls/camera set-up are what worry me the most. It just looks a little overly clunky, and occasionally the camera wigs out and makes it hard to see what’s going on. I prefer a slightly more zoomed-out approach in my third-person action games. (Dark Souls, for instance.)
Also interesting is the prevalence of spears. In many of the videos we’ve seen so far, including these, spear seems to be the weapon of choice. I’d like to see more sword-and-board if only to see whether there’s much in the way of defense in this game. So far it looks mostly hack-and-slash.